BlackCat Talent

At The BlackCat Talent Co. we sum up our service offering in three simple words; Resource, Recruit, Retain.

Our recruitment division can support you with Resource & Recruit on an out-sourced basis but what about Retain? How is your organisation focusing on keeping Top Talent, exactly where it should be. With you!

Recruitment difficulties remain substantial for organisations, with three-quarters having recruitment difficulties in the last year.

– CIPD Resourcing & Talent Planning report

There are 40,000+ registered recruitment agencies in the UK, so why are companies still struggling to resource & recruit top talent to their organisation, & then keep it there.

It should be easy, right?

We are always governed by the trends, the reports and the science at BlackCat & through analysis of the facts & figures, spending time gaining the right qualifications & listening to our clients, we think there’s a better way!

Whilst we know that recruitment is unavoidable in some instances (well, we’ve built a whole business out of this so of course we know) & very exciting when it’s for the right reasons, recruiting due to retention issues is draining – not only your resources but on your time & energy.

We hit a stumbling block within our business when the realisation dawned on us that some organisations were using us to recruit, but they probably didn’t need to! With a little help and support to manage their own candidate attraction, recruitment and selection practices, on-boarding processes and retention / company culture….this would offer significant benefits to their brand, meeting organisational goals & saving money! What’s not to like.

When we started to spend more time trying to predict long-term hiring success (e.g. how successful and how long our candidates would stay in a company) we realised that there’s only so much we could do to influence this.

Until Now!

The Talent division of our business focuses on working with our client partners to ensure that they offer a company culture and candidate / employee experience that is second to none! Where focusing on identifying and retaining top talent is key.

Our Talent Consultancy service offers a range of courses that can be tailored to suit the needs of your organisation.